

How to secure your WordPress website | Top 5 plugins for WordPress security

how to secure wordPress website

Introduction to WordPress Security:

WordPress is most popular CMS in use today, powering more than 40% of websites on the internet but not every website on WordPress is Secure. Therefore, WordPress security is crucial and must never be disregarded. 

While it is easy to use and highly customizable, this popularity also makes it a ideal target for hackers and cyber attack bots looking to exploit vulnerabilities in the system. Now that you understand its importance, you could be thinking How to secure WordPress website in 2024?

To ensure the security for WordPress website, it is important to take a proactive approach and use a combination of strong passwords, regular updates, and WordPress security plugins. Do not worry; this helpful article will explain everything related to wordpress security and best wordpress security plugins

Why Security for WordPress website is critical?

A hacked website poses a risk to the safety of your company and, more importantly, to the public’s perception of your brand over time.Consider the following scenario: hackers gained access to sensitive information you provided on a website where you have an account. How would you feel about that site at the moment?
In addition to stealing information from your site, hackers may install malware that goes undetected and spreads to other users. In severe circumstances, you may have to pay hackers a hefty ransom to have access to your site again; these are just few typical instances. Not everyone can safely navigate the digital world.
Security measures are crucial because they protect your website and its visitors from cyber attacks and vulnerabilities. Reducing the probability of a cyberattack on your website is within your reach via the use of strong passwords, regular WordPress plugin and installation updates, and other recommended practises for website security. Furthermore, protecting your website can help maintain the integrity of your data, protect your users’ privacy, and increase your users’ trust in your website.

Common gaps that make WordPress websites less secure?

There are several common gaps that can make a WordPress website less secure, including:

  1. Outdated software: Running an outdated version of WordPress and plugins can leave your website vulnerable to known security vulnerabilities.
  2. Weak passwords: Using easily guessable or weak passwords for your website and its database can make it easy for hackers to gain access.
  3. Unsecured hosting: Using an unsecured or low-quality hosting provider can increase the risk of your website being hacked.
  4. Unsecured themes and plugins: Using unsecured or poorly coded themes and plugins can also introduce vulnerabilities to your website.
  5. Lack of backups: Not regularly backing up your website can make it difficult to restore your website if it is hacked or otherwise compromised.
  6. Insecure file permissions: Configuring file permissions incorrectly can give hackers access to sensitive areas of your website.
  7. Using Nulled Themes and Plugins: Using Nulled Themes and Plugins can introduce vulnerabilities to your website.
  8. Not implementing an SSL Certificate: Not implementing an SSL certificate can make your website vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks, where hackers can intercept and read sensitive information that is transmitted between your website and its visitors.

It is important to regularly check for and fix these security gaps to keep your WordPress website as secure as possible.

How to secure WordPress website?

As a WordPress user, you are responsible for maintaining Security for WordPress website. There are many ways to do this, but here are a few of the most important:
  1. Create a secure password for your WordPress administrator account. A strong password is one that is at least 8 characters long and contains a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  2. Use a unique password for your WordPress account instead of the one you use for other accounts. If someone gets your password, they will have access to all of your accounts.
  3. Keep your WordPress version up to date. WordPress releases security updates regularly. By keeping your WordPress version up to date, you will have the latest security features and fixes.
  4. Use a security plugin. There are many great WordPress security plugins available. These plugins add an extra layer of security to your site by adding features like malware scanning, password protection, and more.
  5. Do not install plugins or themes from unverified sources.

Top 5 Best WordPress Security Plugins

There are several plugins that you can use to further protect your WordPress website. Here are the top five plugins to consider:
1. Wordfence Security: Wordfence Security is your WordPress website’s knight in shining armor, offering an impregnable firewall, relentless malware scanning, two-factor login, real-time threat intelligence, and vulnerability patching. It’s not just a plugin; it’s a comprehensive security suite that guards your website, allowing you to focus on building your online presence with confidence.
2. iThemes Security: iThemes Security provding 30 different security features, including two-factor authentication, malware scanning, and password expiration. It also includes a feature that allows you to change the default WordPress database prefix to make it more difficult for hackers to guess. Also includes a feature that allows you to hide the login page, which can be useful in preventing brute-force attacks.
3. All in One WP Security and Firewall: All-In-One Security (AIOS) is your WordPress website’s stalwart defender, offering a multi-layered security suite. This robust solution acts as your firewall, malware scanner, and vulnerability guardian, constantly vigilant against evolving threats. AIOS proactively identifies weaknesses, provides timely updates, and empowers you with granular access control, spam filtering, and detailed activity logs. It’s the professional-grade security your website deserves, ensuring peace of mind and a fortress-like defense against any digital adversary.
4. Sucuri Security: Sucuri Security is a WordPress website’s invisible sentry, silently auditing for vulnerabilities, sniffing out malware, and hardening defenses like an impenetrable shield. It analyzes code, identifies outdated software, and removes even the most disguised malware, keeping your website clean and trustworthy. Beyond basic protection, Sucuri hardens file permissions, filters spam, and bolsters login security, making your website a fortress against attackers. With real-time threat monitoring, activity tracking, and global threat intelligence, Sucuri is a silent partner, tirelessly safeguarding websites. It’s the proactive security solution for website owners who value peace of mind and an invisible, yet powerful, armor protecting their online presence.
5. Jetpack Security: Jetpack, shields your site with real-time malware scans and a robust firewall, while real-time backups ensure disaster recovery. It optimizes performance with image compression and CDN integration, boosting SEO and user experience. Social sharing, email marketing, and analytics tools fuel audience growth. Jetpack simplifies website management, letting you focus on content and community while Automattic, the team behind WordPress itself, safeguards your digital presence. It’s the comprehensive, user-friendly solution for a secure, fast-loading, and thriving WordPress website.
It is important to note that no website is completely immune to hacking attempts and that is why it is important to regularly backup. For an extra layer of protection, check out our website maintenance guide for security and optimal performance.

Importance of Backup in WordPress Security:

It is always possible for a website to be hacked, regardless of how solid its security measures are. Websites with strong security measures are somehow vulnerable to the ever-evolving methods used by hackers. This is due to the fact that every hacking attempt can’t be foreseen or prevented due to the internet’s immense size and constant evolution.
It is always possible for a website to be hacked, regardless of how solid its security measures are. Websites with strong security measures are somehow vulnerable to the ever-evolving methods used by hackers. This is due to the fact that every hacking attempt can’t be foreseen or prevented due to the internet’s immense size and constant evolution. Considering no website is safe from hackers, backing up your data on a regular basis is essential. To recover your website to an earlier operational state in the case of data loss due to hacking or any other mishap, it is recommended to create a backup of your website’s files and databases. If you back up your data on a regular basis, you can swiftly recover from data loss or unexpected downtime, reducing the effect on your organisation or company.


One of the most important steps you can take for the Security for WordPress website is to keep it up to date. WordPress releases regular updates that not only add new features but also fix known security vulnerabilities. It is important to update not only the core WordPress software but also any themes and plugins you have installed. By keeping your website up to date, you can ensure that you are protected against known vulnerabilities and that any bugs or compatibility issues have been fixed.

This article for Security for WordPress website has covered a lot of information. we discovered common vulnerabilities and explored several security approaches. The moment has come to conclude this. Now that you have the solution to the question “How to secure WordPress website?” you can simply follow and execute the instructions that were stated before.